Does Running Burn Fat?
What is the best way to lose weight? Running, of course! That's what it's called, and it's one of the fastest ways to lose fat. So, why does running to burn fat?

Yes, because long-term running actually burns more calories than most other exercises. Burning fat actually takes you on a journey that will help you lose weight. A recent study actually shows that long term running actually burns more calories than some other kinds of exercise, mostly because it requires so many different muscles to work together. All the working of your muscles burns calories, plus any body fat that you may have stored. For example, if you have excess body fat after you lose a few pounds, those extra calories are going to be burned as well.
The main reason that long-term running helps you burn fat is because it raises your heart rate. As a matter of fact, your heart rate goes up for at least 45 minutes during every mile. During this time, you are using up every single calorie you have. And your body has to be able to cope with the extra calories, so it increases its metabolism to help burn them up. Your workout does not need to be anything complex.
Many studies have been done that show people who run actually lose more weight than people who only walk for the same amount of time. Of course, the type of running that most runners do involves long distances. There are actually studies out there that claim marathon runners have a higher metabolism rate than other runners. In other words, the metabolic rate of marathon runners actually burns twice as much energy as other runners! If you are serious about losing weight, then you should definitely consider jogging long distances regularly.
The second reason that jogging is great for those trying to lose weight is because it provides a great cardiovascular workout. In other words, you will get a great workout for your legs and arms each time you jog. This is why most long distance runners focus on cardio exercises during their workouts. The more intense your cardiovascular workout is, the faster you will lose weight. So, the more intense your jogging workouts are, the quicker you will lose weight.
Jogging is also good because it allows you to eat more often. Although you might want to eat a healthy diet when you are running, it is still important to eat your calories so that your body will burn up the extra calories you eat. After all, if you do not eat enough calories throughout the day, then you will not be able to lose weight.
Finally, running gives you the opportunity to socialize and meet new people. You will meet new friends along the way as you run and you may even make some friends along the way too. Jogging is a great way to meet new people while giving you something to do that you enjoy. On top of that, if you are jogging regularly, then you will be burning more extra calories and losing weight. So, even if you are trying to lose weight, you should still jogging.
Of course, one reason that you should not cut back on your jogging is because of its negative impact on your sleep and your energy expenditure. Running actually burns quite a few calories per minute. If you run three to five miles per day, then you will burn several thousand calories in a week. Therefore, if you want to burn fat, then it is imperative that you keep your energy expenditure high by jogging.
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