Does Running Burn Fat?

Do you need to know how does running to burn fat? Running is an excellent form of exercise. It also helps in burning fats. There are many theories to explain how does running to burn fat. All these theories are based on common sense. What I am going to show you in this article are some basic ideas on how does running to burn fat.

Running is a great cardio workout. For every hour that you run, you use up about 400 calories per hour. Running for a couple of minutes may not really help you much as compared to long hours of running. The rate must be such that you can keep up with it for long periods, i.e., fast.

The most important part of the body that is affected by running is the thigh muscle and the calf muscles. Whenever you move your legs and burn calories, these muscles get a lot of work. The thigh muscle consists of three major muscles namely, the quads, hamstring and the calves.

The running workout requires the involvement of all the above mentioned muscles. The glutes and the hamstring are involved in providing strength to the leg and the calf muscles. So, if these muscles are strong enough, you can have a good leg stamina, running efficiency and a strong calf muscle and thigh. Hence, having strong quads, hamstring and calves will ensure that you do not experience any injury during the run.

Another myth is that running will hurt the thigh muscles and hamstrings when you do it. But actually, they do not get hurt. But during the workout process, they will get strained because of the constant pull of the body on the running gears (shoes, shafts, ground). The body does this exercise on its own. There is no pain, but the workout takes up a lot of energy from the muscles.

Another myth is that you cannot lose fat from the belly, after you start running. However, the belly does play a vital role during the workout routine. Running increases the metabolic rate of the individual and as a result, the body metabolism starts burning belly fats like fat. So, if you want to lose belly fat, then start running immediately.

The calf muscles are the last mentioned muscle mentioned above. The calves are not directly related to any other muscle groups of the body, but the blues and the hamstrings are equally powerful. The hamstrings, or the back leg muscles can be improved through running if you have strong calves. So, strong calves are necessary for runners, irrespective of whether they run on their knees or on their shins (normal running).

Finally, one myth that needs to dispel is that running does not make you sweat. Sweating happens during the high intensity stage of the exercise, but it is not a necessity. Even if you do not sweat, you will experience extreme physical discomfort. But, if you keep running, it will help in eliminating the excess water in the body and will make you sweat slowly. This fact, along with the other advantages of an aerobic exercise, makes running one of the best exercises to reduce excess fat from the belly and to increase endurance.

Running has been found to be an excellent fat burning exercise, even in spite of the extra work that the legs have to go through. However, the best time to run is preferably in the morning; when the body has most of its strength and energy to burn fat. The more you exercise, the more your thigh fat will be reduced. And, because you are strengthening your leg muscles, it is even more difficult to lose thigh fat through running, than it would be with other weight loss programs. Therefore, apart from losing fat through running, you can reduce thigh fat just by doing regular exercise!

So, what are the specific areas where you can burn fat quickly while running? The entire quadriceps and hip muscles (in the front and back) are used to propel you forward, so any damage to these muscles while running will make you lose your efficiency and will affect your ability to run. The hamstrings (front and back of the thighs) are the main muscles used for running, but they also play a key role in stabilizing your body during running. Hamstrings tend to shorten when we are running, which means that running should be done on a short term with high intensity (for example, if you want to lose a pound or two in a week).

Finally, lower body fat is also increased by running. When your body gets more calories/fat each day, it stores them as muscle mass (in the back and legs). This muscle mass is what you use to run - when you sprint, your momentum is transmitted to all parts of your body, including your legs, to get you moving. Therefore, besides burning calories, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. So the more muscle you have, the more weight you will lose!


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