Does Running Burn Fat?

You may be surprised to learn this, but what you do actually burns fat while running. Burning fat is a system that your body uses to generate energy in order to do all the necessary things your body requires to remain alive such as digesting food and breathing at the same time. The question most people have is, does your body burn fat while running faster than it does when just sitting around? What most people do not realize is that there are specific activities you can perform while running which allows your body to use its fat production systems more efficiently. If you want to lose belly fat or gain muscle, then these activities will help you with your goals.

When you are running, you are using all the fat burning mechanisms of your body. This can be a very good thing and a bad thing. When you run, you are at your optimum efficiency and your metabolic rate is going through the roof. This is the reason many people claim to run is a great way to lose weight. As you lose weight by running, you also lose all that extra water weight your body was holding because of the high amount of calories your system is burning.

There are many types of exercises you can do to make sure you are burning up calories at an optimal rate. One of these exercises is called the stomach crunch. While running, bend over and grab your toes with your hands; hold this position for four seconds before letting go. This exercise will work the core muscles in your abdomen, allowing your belly fat to be burned up faster.

Another way to maximize the effects of your cardiovascular exercise is to take up dancing. Dancing increases your heart rate and causes your muscles to burn more calories than normal while dancing. This is another great way to not only lose weight but to also feel better while doing it.

The next thing you want to do is workout your cardio a little bit more than your weight-lifting routine. For instance, if you are lifting weights, running a couple of miles during the week and doing some high-intensity cardio a couple of times a week should be enough. However, if you are into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) training, you may want to run faster and harder than you normally would. HIIT runs and sprints are great at burning off excess calories. If you are serious about cutting your belly fat, you should incorporate both high intensity and high speed running into your weekly workout.

Once you have given your weight loss program a few weeks to work, you should always make sure you are keeping your caloric intake under control. It's important to make sure you are never in a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit is when your body burns more calories than it takes in. This is why diet and exercise are so important for long term weight loss. You must always be burning more calories than you are taking in to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.

You should mix up your workouts so that you are not always doing the same exercises. For instance, if you normally do a pair of twenty-minute cardio sessions, try to do them on the weekends instead. You can also mix up your running workouts so that you are not always focusing on your hamstrings or quads. Instead, try focusing on your calves, hips, and knees for some quick and explosive type of workout. You can also mix up your running workout so that it is not always the same every single day. For instance, on Monday you could focus on doing leg lifts while on Wednesday you could focus on bicep curls.

Once you have given your weight loss program time to work, you should always make sure you stay on track by tracking everything. You should track your calories, grams of fat burned, and any other changes in your fitness routine. Tracking allows you to see what is working and what is not. Also it allows you to make adjustments to your workout so that it is more effective. Running is great for burning calories, however if you want weight loss results you need to combine it with other forms of exercise and a healthy diet.


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